Saturday, October 06, 2007

Put Out the Fire ! ! ! ! Put Out the Fire ! ! ! !

Whoops, guess they can't, huh?

Even sprinkler systems fail at U.S. embassy in Baghdad
Warren P. Strobel - McClatchy Newspapers
October 06, 2007 03:08:02 PM

WASHINGTON — The latest problem with the trouble-plagued new U.S. embassy complex in Iraq is that the sprinkler systems meant to contain a fire do not work, according
to officials in Congress and the State Department.

The previously undisclosed problem in the $592 million project was discovered several weeks ago when the fire-safety systems were tested and pipe joints burst, State Department representatives recently informed Congress.

More signs of bushco incompetence.

"You're doin' a heckuva job, bushie!" . . . .

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