Monday, November 19, 2007

Final Timeline Update . . . .

Final Version!!

Timeline to date
: 11/19/07:

  • 7/25/05 Initial Meeting with immigration attorney
  • 7/25/05 - 8/25/05 Assembling Draft Application Data (Tax returns, business records, verification of common law relationship, education records, addresses, birth certificates, letters of reference, etc.)
  • 8/15/05 FBI fingerprint cards overnighted to FBI for clearance
  • 8/25/05 Working meeting with immigration attorney
  • 9/26/06 Finally finished gathering supporting documents
  • 9/28/05 Application with documents sent off to Buffalo consulate
  • 10/17/05 One partner's FBI fingerprints cleared and accepted
  • 10/25/05 Other partner's FBI fingerprints re-sent for clearance (Initial set illegible)
  • 11/7/05 AOR issued by Buffalo consulate (Yay!)
  • 2/2/06 Other partner's FBI fingerprints re-sent again (2nd set also illegible)
  • 3/13/06 Other partner's FBI fingerprints finally cleared and accepted (Yay!)
  • 11/15/06 Buffalo Consulate transferred our file to the New York City consulate
  • 5/22/07 New York City office issues initial assessment, medicals requested
  • 7/17/07 Medicals completed and received in Ottawa
  • 10/23/07 Request for passports received from New York City consulate
  • 10/29/07 Passports and photos overnighted to New York City consulate for Permanent Resident visa issuance
  • 11/5/07 Permanent Resident visas issued by New York City consulate. (2 days short of being a 2 year process from AOR to PR visa) Landing must be made by 6/21/08
All future date displays will be in the Day/Month/Year format.

How very Canadian . . . .

1 comment:

Vancouver Isle Doug said...

Tick tock, tick tock....