As of this afternoon, we have in our possession two Permanent Resident of Canada visas! Hip, hip, hooray!
They were issued on November 5, 2007. This is two days less than two years after our application for Permanent Resident status was acknowledged by the Canadian Consulate in Buffalo, NY. Who says it's easy to immigrate to Canada?
The title of this post is a bit misleading. We are not planning on packing the U-Haul until probably April of 2008. The thought of driving across the North American continent in winter is not appealing to either of us. (The Four-Footed Child would probably not have a problem with it, however. She's rather looking forward to barking at antelope and buffalo.) Also, we're not taking everything we own at this time. Number One, there's no place to put everything in our tiny strata (condo) in Vancouver. Number Two: It's going to be a LONG time 'til anyone relieves us of our home in Florida with the real estate market the way it is. Therefore, we'll be traveling back and forth between the two homes for awhile.
Eventually, though, it'll be "all Vancouver, all the time."
Looking forward to that . . . .
That's awesome guys, Congrats!!!!!
Yipieee!!! I like the photo!
I HAVE to leave a comment, for now. I stumbled upon your blog by accident and it parallels the past 30 months for myself and my husband like you wouldn't believe!! We applied for immigration May 2005, application was transferred to Detroit, we finally did the medicals Feb. 2007, received word we had to RE-DO our background checks because they expired (including fingerprints) and received final approval lat August 2007. WHEW, this really calls for patience. Home in WI on the market since May and we finally had to cut the price by over $40,000 just to get people in the door. Finally received and offer and closing is today so we will be rid of that chapter. We could not afford to sit with that house and the new one in Sooke on Vancouver Island. We now have a glorious 2 acres with gardens and a new greenhouse and we love it!!! Fab view to Washington State across the Juan de Fuca Strait. Myself, hubby, cat and dog are all quite happy!! Good luck and I'll definitely be keeping track of your progress.
Congrats!!!! Oh, this is such a great news. I'm sure the packing is going to be both emotional and tiring, but just think of the beautiful summer you're going to get in Vancouver!
Thanks for all the well wishes -
We can't wait to make the move!!
Yay!! Congratulations!
(And sorry so late, as always...)
By the way, if you figure out how to drive a U-Haul one-way over the border, let me know. As far as we could find out, there was no way to do it. Maybe you're doing it round-trip and returning the U-Haul in the US? Or maybe they've changed the laws?
An FYI to L-girl: We moved from Wisconsin to Vancouver Island in October with a U-haul. We drove across the border, unloaded the truck at our home on the Island, and returned the truck to a large U-haul center in Victoria, no questions asked. It most certainly is do-able. Good Luck!
This is what happens when I work away from the 'puter and only really get a chance to catch up on weekends.
Looking forward to being able to the day you plunk your feet on shores of Burrard Inlet and call it home.
Welcome home, boys!
(a fellow West Ender)
Thanks, Dave.
Looking forward to joining The Ink Stained Wretches on a more regular basis . . . .
Congrats and welcome!!
From yet another fellow Westender!
Re U-Hauls, perhaps it was a NY-to-Toronto thing. We managed a different way - obviously, since we got here! But I've heard from lots of other people who were also unable to rent a U-Haul one-way from the US to Canada. It's worth triple-checking to avoid problems.
hey guys,
I'm terribly behind in my "Canada reading," but I keep all you guys in mind. I'm so glad you finally have the visas in hand, although I wasn't worried given the previous news; it was just that finality that is so nice to have them already live and in person!
Much congratulations! We look forward to meeting up with the two of you not as "would be canadian" but as actual permanent residents.
Best to you in getting through the winter.
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