The saga/history/thoughts of two gay partners and their 4-footed child picking up stakes in the US and immigrating to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Saturday, September 20, 2008
V V V . . . . *
* Vision Vancouver Vote.
"drf" and I joined the new civic party here in Vancouver this summer - Vision Vancouver. Although we can't vote for any public office candidates 'til we're citizens in three years, we are able to join political parties and cast votes for those people seeking nominations.
Today was the big vote and we're awaiting the vote tallies to see who gets to go up against the ruling NPA candidates. Gregor Robertson has already been selected as the Mayoral candidate to lead the charge.
Where the heck were you guys Bob?....Looked for you all all night long.....wanted to play you off as Oscar Acosta to my Docktor (or some unreasonable not even close facsimile all night long).....
RossK, we joined the party (Vision) but we weren't AT the party last night. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks to you and fabula for the blow-by-blow (pardon the expression), though . . . .
Cheese Willickers!
Where the heck were you guys Bob?....Looked for you all all night long.....wanted to play you off as Oscar Acosta to my Docktor (or some unreasonable not even close facsimile all night long).....
RossK, we joined the party (Vision) but we weren't AT the party last night. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks to you and fabula for the blow-by-blow (pardon the expression), though . . . .
Fair enough.....
And just so you know....didn't see your man Byers.....although Ms. Davies was there for sure....
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