The saga/history/thoughts of two gay partners and their 4-footed child picking up stakes in the US and immigrating to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Visiting and Visitors . . . .
Tomorrow is the big day when I take the bus and ferry to Victoria to visit with online friends.Myself, mseh ofTwo Moms to Canadaand Diane and Mary ofOur Journey towards Canadian Immigrationfinally get to meet in reality instead of virtuality.No doubt there will be many questions and answers from all involved. Wish the rest of our US-to-Canada immigrants and immigrantwannabees could join us - It promises to be a good time.
This morning there was a visitor to our "large balcony" - as our Realtor referred to it, anyway. Gilda or Gregory Gull - couldn't determine which - decided to pay a social call.
Thank goodness our four footed child wasn't with me on this trip. She would not have been amused by such a large bird invading her domain . . . .
Oh, that big bird would be so unwelcome in my world! Blame it on Hitchcock!
Oh, that big bird would be so unwelcome in my world! Blame it on Hitchcock!
You're lucky it wasn't a goose, they leave large green presents everywhere. I can barely walk to my car in the parking lot of work.
Their hissing freaks me out.
Don't be scared, mseh!!
Don't be freaked out, tom!!
It's only a big old gull, and he/she's gone now . . . .
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