bushco authorizes CIA covert action in Iran. Seems like back in '53 the same scenario was initiated by the US. Never mind that Mossadegh was democratically elected by the Iranian people.
Those that ignore history are doomed to repeat it.
Idiots . . . .
This is what I try to tell people. When the "Iran crisis" happened in the late 70s (and Jimmy Carter was blamed), Americans threw up their hands and cried, "Why do they hate us?" (Now, I am not in any way shape or form condoning kidnapping and hostage-taking.) But even the average peasant in Iran knew that the U.S. (CIA) overthrew their government and put back the hated Shah. People don't take kindly to that. But Americans are ignorant -- and don't seem to care much -- about what their government does.
There was a whole discussion about CIA ventures in terms of messing with other countries' governments over at wmtc. I think Allan (in the comments of wmtc) linked to a huge list of those travesties throughout history.
The average American wants to believe that the "world hates us" because of our "democratic values" and "prosperity" and the rest of the world is jealous. Well, that the U.S. uses more of its share of the world's resources is a reality and it makes people testy. But also the hypocrisy of saying we're all about democracy when the U.S. government plays god with the affairs of other nations.
Yes, I'm preacing to the converted. Rant over.
Daniel, If you haven't already, read this by Stephen Kinzer. It's an excellent trip through the US' steamrolling of other nations through history. Also, "All the Shah's Men" by the same author is a more in-depth analysis of the CIA/Iran debacle.
Pretty sad, and as you said, very few US citizens have a clue about what has been "accomplished" in their name . . . .
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