Yours truly enjoying a Dixie Chicks video of "Travelin' Soldier" in recognition of Memorial Day courtesy of a Crooks and Liars blog entry.
My email audibly announces "You've got post" in it's very proper British accent. I flip open the email program to see the new mail with "Documents to Submit" in the Subject line from our immigration attorney's office.
Needless to say, I quickly told "drf" to get up from his PC in his "office" and come over to open the email together. At that point "Woo Hoo" were the only words that came to my lips!!
As a little sidelight to this development: On Friday, May 18 I had sent an email to the attorney's office noting the length of time our application had been in the New York City consulate with no word. They sent an email that day noting the dates and requesting information on the file from New York. Monday, May 21 was Victoria Day with government offices closed. The date the consulate sent the request for further information and the Initial Assessment was Tuesday, May 22. Coincidence? ? ? ? Who knows . . . . . We're excited, anyway!
So, what they have requested:
1) Medical examinations
2) Updated, completed applications from both of us
3) Updated financial statements/proof of funds
4) Right of Permanent Residence Fee for both of us
The interview has been waived (Yay! No trip to NYC!), and updated police records and fingerprints were not requested. This last one surprised us, as ours were submitted way over a year ago - Hey, we'll take any breaks we can get.
So that's where we are now, Gang.
We'll be following all the "Cool Immigrants" soon, if all goes well . . . .
YEAH! Congrats! Such wonderful news!
I am so happy to hear you got to the final hurdle....and then there were none. We need to recruit new people into the process.
Congratulations guys!
I'm very happy for you guys!!!!
this is a wonderful news
Cheers!!! It won't be long now!
GEEZZZZ at last!! So happy for you guys!
there's been quite a wave coming from south of the border....i never knew about the
'4) Right of Permanent Residence Fee'
....how much do we soak ya???
anyways, good luck, congrats, and all that!!!
Woo hoo!
updated police records and fingerprints were not requested. This last one surprised us, as ours were submitted way over a year ago
I guess they figured your fingerprints haven't changed much in the last year in spite of all your blogging. ;-)
Woo-hoo is right!!!!!!!! You'll be there soon!
scout - It's something like $485 or $495 per adult. How quickly we forget...! BUT, the good news is that it's half of what it used to be.
web - Sounds like maybe you'll be in Vancouver when I visit next spring after all?!
Thanks for all the well wishes, Gang.
We're actually starting to feel like it's finally going to happen. Great feeling, isn't it?
Scout: The Right of Permanent Fee is $490 CA each, then there is the original application fee which ranges I believe from around $400 - $1000 CA depending on the immigration class just to start the application process. But hey, it's all worth it in our opinion.
Alison: We did see a helicopter hovering over the house last week with someone hanging out snapping pictures of our house. I told "drf" it was probably dickhead cheney.
MSEH: Yes, I believe we will be there next spring. A re-union with the whole gang is definitely in order!
Awesome! You've been waiting so long. It's so good to finally hear something and have some progress!
Where will you have the medical exams? (We're going up to Vancouver next Thursday, June 7.)
Of course, I feel more paranoid now because they asked us for so much more than anyone else it seems ...
Daniel: We're debating the locale for the meds right now. Either Atlanta or Montgomery, AL in case we need to return for follow-ups. LOTS more expensive than Vancouver rates, (Like 3 times more!!) but definitely easier to get back to just in case . . . .
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