VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - A decree by Pope Benedict allowing priests to say the old Latin Mass more frequently has sparked criticism within both Catholic and Jewish ranks, with one Italian bishop saying he was "in mourning".

(Sounds like she's taking lessons from the bush White House: Release bad news on Friday when no one is paying attention . . . . )
The Pope did not mention the Latin Mass decree in his weekly Angelus blessing on Sunday and will retreat to a small town in the Dolomites mountains on Monday to start his summer holidays.
The Vatican will issue another text on Tuesday which Italian media say will declare Roman Catholicism the only true church of Jesus Christ, a statement that could anger Protestants. (Emphasis mine.)
You gotta give the girl credit:
She really knows how to win friends and influence people. Makes one glad to be a non-believer . . . .
I wonder how this Pope can make a vow of poverty and yet wear Prada shoes with a value that could feed an african village for a month.
When will all this religious BS become irrelevent!
Not in our lifetime . . . .
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