Pope revives old Latin Mass, sparks Jewish concern

By Phil Stewart - Sat Jul 7, 2007 9:46AM EDT VATICAN CITY
(Reuters) - Pope Benedict, in a decree issued on Saturday, authorized wider use of the old Latin Mass and told the world's 1.1 billion Roman Catholics that his nod to Church traditionalists was nothing to be afraid of.
Jewish groups expressed concern because the decree revived prayers that say Jews are blind to the Christian truth and urge Catholics to pray for their conversion.
One senior figure of a U.S.-based Jewish rights group called the language "insensitive ... insulting" and expressed fears the decree could harm historic reconciliation.
Just great. More religious clap-trap to incite the masses. (Pardon the expression.)
Somehow, Bennie's "nothing to be afraid of" assurances would not give me much confidence. That is, if I gave a rat's ass what "she of the expensive gowns" had to say on any subject . . . .
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