Friday, July 10, 2009

Kucinich on Canadian Health Care . . . .

You GO Dennis, my man!

Take that, "Blue Dog" dems.

Dennis is the man, once again . . . .

(Isn't that John Conyers over gratzer's shoulder?!?)

H/T Crooks and Liars for the heads up.


Pale said...

I wonder if Canadians (the non blogger variety) are watching any of this.

If not, how can we get them to?
Cause, according to Global, (subsidiary of canned west, which is going down the toilet) Canada's. HEALTHCARE.IS.IN.CRISIS.
And while we aren't perfect, we are doing shitloads better than the "richest country in the world".

West End Bob said...

I doubt if most Canadians are paying too much attention. Heck, the MSM here is more concerned with catholic crackers and stevie dissin' iggy. What a crock. Like that crap really makes a difference. (In the Canadiam MSM's defence, the US MSM led the way down the tubes.)

You're right, the Canadian health care system is head and shoulders above the US' from my limited experience . . . .