Yup - West End Bob's a brand new Canadian! One more vote against stephen harper and his ilk. To tell the truth, the Canada today is vastly different one from the one "drf" and I began the immigration process to back in 2005. It's amazing how much damage one person/party can do to a nation in such a short period of time. I only hope the citizenry wakes up soon and restores Canada to the great nation it once was - It's not too late.
Now for what's next on the agenda: Apply for my Canadian passport in a couple of days, join the BC Civil Liberties Union and The Council of Canadians.
Time to get to work on restoring Canada to its former position of respect in the world - pre-stephen harper . . . .
Let me be the first to offer our congratulations! I think you got the same judge we got (Anne-Marie Kaines). Glad to see everything worked out for you. The country is lucky to have you.
Now, on to defeat Harper, eh? :)
Fantastic!! I'm hoping we're no more than a year behind you!
Congratulations, and welcome to the resistance!
David: Yup - That's her, the same judge. How 'bout that?!? Very nice woman and seemed to care a lot about her role in the process.
MSEH: I hope it moves quickly for you, too! From the app to the ceremony it was 1 year, 3 months and 20 days in my case - About the same for the guy next to me (also from The Excited States, BTW).
Lorne: Glad to be a part of the resistance! ;-)
Congratulations, Bob!
Heh, 2005. I remember sending you a link to the Burrard St webcam so you could track how awful the weather was going be in your new home.
Of course now that you've gone through the official ceremony, you'll be impatient to get on with the informal one. I've forgotten the details but as I recall it has something to do with moose-wrestling, a tub of maple syrup, and a snorkel.
Do let us know how you get on.
Ahhhh, Dear (Almost a) Lady Alison! One can always count on you to cut to the chase, i.e., the informal ceremony! ;-)
I well recall you sending the Burrard Bridge webcam linkie - "drf" still checks it on a daily basis when he's not here to keep up on on the local weather conditions.
One of the best things about the migration north: Becoming your friend . . . .
Hey Bob!
Couldn't happen to a more Canadian of guys.
For all the right reasons!
Congratulations!! Terrific news.
It's true that Canada is very different now, but it can be very different again - in a good way. There's still hope here.
And you've been part of the resistance for a long time. Citizenship is not a requirement for that. :)
RossK: Thanks, Buddy! Glad to be here - But you know that!
laura k: Thanks for all your help in navigating the Canadian waters on our journey northward! You and Allan were the path-finders for a lot of us - Much appreciated!
Onward for the resistance . . . .
Congrats, Bob! Don't let the Harper goons steal your vote ;-)
[Waving to Lady Alison: LTNS]
Congratulations Bob! Well done!
We best get on with organizing the informal party (I can probably find the moose) and teaching you the secret Canuck greetings and identifiers.
Couldn't happen to a nicer guy! Welcome and so glad to have you on our side ;)
On another note, you've brought back fond memories of when my mother became a Canadian citizen and I re-newed my citizenship alongside of her.Turned out to be a really touching moment to be in the room with so many people, many whom were in tears, so happy to be Canadians.
BY: Registered to vote yesterday, I'll be watchin' the harper goons! ;-)
Boris: Thanks - Yeah, I need the secret Canuck greetings. I studied all the hockey rules only to find out they've eliminated that requirement. Now they force you to eat a heaping plate of maple syrup covered poutine!
Laila: I've been on your side for quite a while! ;-) Yes, even with the looming harpercons in government, there were still a few choked-up moments during the actual ceremony and brief chat with the judge . . . .
Congratulations! Canada gains another patriot.
Thanks, Edstock!
Better a citzen who chooses to be a part of the country, than a citzen who just given the choice just does not care.
Can't disagree with that, Steve . . . .
Congratulations, Bob. This country can use plenty more just like you. By the way, compliments on your choice of home province.
Thanks MoS! BC is definitely the cream of the Canadian crop . . . .
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