Saturday, April 07, 2007

Travelling Contrasts . . . .

Checking in our fellow US-to-Canada-immigrant bloggers, I had to appreciate being here in Vancouver this week.

Between Laura's air travel incidents, and Tom's commuting incident it was a rough time to be in the States.

Perhaps it's because I've been spending a lot of time in Vancouver's Stanley Park

and VanDusen Botanical Gardens.

At any rate, the most confrontational species I encountered was a rather aggressive honey bee at VanDusen.

Maybe I was just lucky, or possibly it has something to do with being "north of the 49th" . . . .


Tom said...

I don't have much experience with Canadians yet, but American, particulary Conservative ones are very aggressive.

On our local county forum a young gay man and his partner were asking about moving to the next town over. People were telling them they don't want them there. F-ING Social Conservatives!

West End Bob said...

I'm sure the SC's are here in Canada, but thankfully they are not so "in your face" . . .