Our painstakingly-prepared B4 and B4A forms denoting goods we were

Today we went to a Service Canada Centre in downtown to apply for and receive our SIN (Social Insurance Number, not a reflection of morality!) numbers. The cards themselves should arrive before we head back to Florida next week.
So, the only bureaucratic items we have remaining are to get our BC driver's license and MSP (Medical Services Plan) cards. Both of these items we have been advised to apply for when we are actually residing here later in the year. Just another incentive to get back up here ASAP!
Tonight we are meeting another couple that have contacted us via this blog. We've been emailing back and forth for a couple of months now, and tonight we're all going to dinner in the West End. One of the guys is a USian recently landed here and his partner is Canadian. The blog family keeps expanding - Gotta love it!

There have been suggestions from Bloggerpalooza friends here in BC that we will need to change both our blog name and my posting ID due to our change in status. I have been thinking about that, and would appreciate any and all suggestions.
I have a couple in mind. Let's see how ya'll do . . . .
Since get the MSP cards will take probably 3 months (at least that's what it takes in Ontario) and you already have a permanent address, you guys should apply ASAP, just mention that you are living there since you landing.
Congrats in your landing!!!!
Yeah, that's what I was planning on doing, but we were advised against it by a plan representative. BC's plan has restrictions on actually physically residing here during the "waiting period." Didn't want them to deny coverage, penalties, etc.
Thanks for the tip and well-wishes, though. You too, Jen.
Congrats on landing!!! When you come back with uhaul in tow I would suggest Blaine trck crossing instead of Peace Arch.
We will talk this weekend . . .
You are doing something that I am planning to do. Congrats!!!
Congratulations! And thank you for the super-charged positive vibes you sent to our camp.
Welcome home!!!
Woo-hoo!!!! Happy days!!!!
Guys, heartiest congratulations! It is all so amazing to look back and now have it be a reality. We wish you the best and look forward to being neighbors. (I guess when we're North, I need to start adding "u"s.)
Come on up, Daniel.
We're seeing quite a few "Vacancy" signs as we walk the 'hood . . . .
YAY! Welcome to Canada!
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